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To use the icons, the codicons.css file must be included in the page:

<link rel="stylesheet" href="path/to/codicon.css" id="vscode-codicon-stylesheet">

Basic example

Download codicons from
Note the required `id` on the link element!
To use web fonts in web components, the component needs to include
the font stylesheet in addition to the page. This id serves as a lookup so
the icon component can automatically create and insert it's own link tag.
<vscode-icon name="account"></vscode-icon>
<vscode-icon name="account" size="32"></vscode-icon>
<vscode-icon name="account" size="48"></vscode-icon>
<vscode-icon name="account" size="64"></vscode-icon>

Action icons

<vscode-icon name="account" action-icon></vscode-icon>
<vscode-icon name="add" action-icon></vscode-icon>
<vscode-icon name="git-compare" action-icon></vscode-icon>

Animated icons

<vscode-icon name="loading" spin spin-duration="1"></vscode-icon>
<vscode-icon name="sync" spin></vscode-icon>
<vscode-icon name="gear" spin spin-duration="2"></vscode-icon>

List of icons

For the searchable list, see the project page.